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October 18, 2007


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super real

I pointed out the nearest payday lender inside my nice, middle-class neighborhood and explained to him who's's not really true super real annuities, trust funds and hedge funds also could be used providing there is certainly evidence the funds can be purchased towards the borrower.

Blu Rivard

Hello Eric,

Thank you for contacting me. I was not aware until now about “The Advocate”. My comment on Galleries, is we do need them. You cannot see on line the up close and personal image and its details, true to life colors and painting size like you can in a Gallery.

Also there is the social aspect of a Gallery verses virtual. The on line Gallery may be comfortable for the Introvert Artist, but I love to mingle and interact with the collectors. I love the receptions and seeing the faces and reactions to the body of works. You can not get on line.

As far as the middle man! (Sales person and Gallery commissions), you can’t miss what you don’t see. And so what! It’s our job to influence the marketing force. And create jobs as well as a place to go visit galleries with honest and whole sum reputations.

That is the back ground for the interaction with not only the collector but for sales person to identify with the collector and or artist.

Art is a personal, a presentation and interpretation of one’s personality and interests. The passion for the piece is as important as the passion of the sale! A celebration to welcome a friendship, personal and social bond you cannot get on the website. Yes, a website reaches the abundance of multitudes of collectors and soon to be collectors. I hope in some small way this answers, mostly the emotional side and necessary side of viewing, and owning Art. Thank you for this opportunity to voice my expression and sincerity about the Galleries. Kind regards, Blu Rivard

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