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May 10, 2011


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business loans

I propose not to wait until you get enough amount of money to order goods! You can just take the home loans or just student loan and feel yourself comfortable

Eric Rhoads

The first thing to remember is that you can market OUTSIDE your local market too. Its a good insurance policy in the event local art sales die.

Keep your name visible at every turn and every place you can by doing interesting and unique things which generate PR. Stay visible on social media. But if you cannot afford a lot...dont spread it out. REPETITION is more important than reach, so repeat, repeat, repeat to build awareness and brand and trust. One impression in 3 places is less valuable than 3 impressions in one place.

Edwrad Dumchus

Thanks for this; it's refreshing to see someone offer real advice, not just push advertising sales. Hopefully, we can reach the point where we have a good strategy, and sufficient income to implement it.
Do you have any suggestions to improve market reach at low cost? We do events, cross promote with some local businesses, and advertize in some local publications. The art market in our area is struggling, we want to be different; I am not sure what else to do.

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