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April 06, 2009



I had a dream to start my organization, nevertheless I didn't earn enough amount of money to do it. Thank God my close colleague told to take the loans. So I took the small business loan and made real my desire.

Dave Magnum

thanks, Eric, for giving us a torch we can carry--I have them on ten Wisconsin stations--we've gotten appreciative feedback from a number of car dealers. Regards, Dave

Cynthia Morgan

The Famous Radio Ranch auto promos are very creative. Dick Orkin and his team have always been incredibly talented. We have run the promos on our stations. One of our sites played it for a local car dealer recently. Upon hearing it the dealer slammed his fist onto the table and said "I'm sick and tired of negative ads!" Let's take this great creativity and tune it further toward the "positive".

We are running a challenge at our company right now along those lines that I would be glad to share with you if there is interest.


I have heard the spot, Eric. Good forward thinking, just like putting on a great event in radio last year in Miami. Last May, I spoke at one of your conferences with the title, "Selling Radio During a Recession". If any of your stations are interested in a copy of this presentation, please let me know. The topic was focused on Spanish language radio, however, the message is good for either.
Dr. Mary Beth McCabe
[email protected]

Sarah McCann

Bueno Idea Eric! Love it! Haven't heard the spots in Chicago yet but I will keep my ears open.

Tom Swank

We are running a substantial schedule on both of my stations.

Ron Piro

Great idea and my 4 stations are airing them.There are however many other businesses that are having difficulty and some of them have asked for similar help. Would you want to take on that creative project?

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