Two things quickly.....
Radio Show's Its True Colors With Amazing Support
1) About two weeks ago we invited radio to run our ads encouraging
consumers to buy cars. To date we estimate that over 6,200 radio
stations are running these ads (about 50%) plus they are being run on
several radio networks, group wide by several radio groups, and even on
about 1800 internet radio stations. Local radio stations are telling us
they are already hearing from car dealers and dealer associations with
with their "thanks" to radio for the effort. I personally spoke to a
Mercedes dealer who told me, "I've heard the spots on the air and I
believe they are actually starting to make a difference."
Each station can play a role in turning the economy around. I encourage you to keep these spots on the air for several months. If we can use our air time to help sell more cars than we are helping car dealers, which have been our largest advertisers. Of course this will help the economy, and will ultimately help radio. If your station or group is not running these spots, I encourage you to do so. You can access the spots at
Thanks to Dick Orkin, Christine Coyle and Sandy Orkin at the Famous Radio Ranch in Los Angeles, who wrote and produced these spots.
Spanish Language Spots Now Available
2) When we released the spots we heard from many Spanish Language
stations asking for Spanish spots. Jose Cancela of Hispanic USA, Inc.
in Miami offered to write a series of Hispanic spots, which were
produced by Juan Manuel Diaz at ...Citadel Media en Espanol
(formerly ABC Espanol). These spots are now available at
Thanks to everyone for your support. This is a huge success and radio will be recognized for its contribution.
Eric Rhoads
Radio Ink
I had a dream to start my organization, nevertheless I didn't earn enough amount of money to do it. Thank God my close colleague told to take the loans. So I took the small business loan and made real my desire.
Posted by: SchneiderLucile35 | September 18, 2010 at 07:08 AM
thanks, Eric, for giving us a torch we can carry--I have them on ten Wisconsin stations--we've gotten appreciative feedback from a number of car dealers. Regards, Dave
Posted by: Dave Magnum | May 02, 2009 at 12:07 PM
The Famous Radio Ranch auto promos are very creative. Dick Orkin and his team have always been incredibly talented. We have run the promos on our stations. One of our sites played it for a local car dealer recently. Upon hearing it the dealer slammed his fist onto the table and said "I'm sick and tired of negative ads!" Let's take this great creativity and tune it further toward the "positive".
We are running a challenge at our company right now along those lines that I would be glad to share with you if there is interest.
Posted by: Cynthia Morgan | April 20, 2009 at 11:37 AM
I have heard the spot, Eric. Good forward thinking, just like putting on a great event in radio last year in Miami. Last May, I spoke at one of your conferences with the title, "Selling Radio During a Recession". If any of your stations are interested in a copy of this presentation, please let me know. The topic was focused on Spanish language radio, however, the message is good for either.
Dr. Mary Beth McCabe
[email protected]
Posted by: [email protected] | April 07, 2009 at 06:09 PM
Bueno Idea Eric! Love it! Haven't heard the spots in Chicago yet but I will keep my ears open.
Posted by: Sarah McCann | April 07, 2009 at 02:55 PM
We are running a substantial schedule on both of my stations.
Posted by: Tom Swank | April 07, 2009 at 02:46 PM
Great idea and my 4 stations are airing them.There are however many other businesses that are having difficulty and some of them have asked for similar help. Would you want to take on that creative project?
Posted by: Ron Piro | April 07, 2009 at 01:46 PM