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November 09, 2009


Sanjay Hemady, COO, HIT 95 FM, New Delhi

Hi Eric....Thanks for sharing an honest response...."Slowdown has slowed down" already, and its time to work faster, harder with all the efforts, undoubtedly Radio has a huge potential, if we make it work in the right direction, clients and brands benefit....people should find the next level in radio, and scale up...
Sanjay Hemady

John Mitton

Recession caused us to re-invent ourselves from a recruitment advertising agency to a recruit PLUS regular advertising agency. As our "new" advertising clients are discovering, Radio can be effective addition to marketing mix. Key is to not to listen to "naysayers" but to keep doing what you know is in the best interest of clients and customers.

Vernon Harper

Hi Eric,

Outdtanding, and sooo positive.

You are so right! "The Sky is Not Falling".

If I can ever help you in my own humble way, just say the word.


Vernon Harper VP Sales & Marketing WMEL Radio, Melbourne, Fl. 321-631-1300


Thank you- I have similar feelings -and am tired of 'Sky is falling' attitude. I'm working hard through this and I believe that all 'the good ones' will make it through as well.

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