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March 12, 2010


Hsn October 2013 Printable

Even in case you should plan to not make the instalments, they still will hold the house to recoup their losses Hsn October 2013 Printable you have likely heard or read about websites offering you your credit file for free.


It's great that we can get the credit loans and that opens up completely new possibilities.

roger dodson

I'm dead serious when I say it is imperative to get your article into the hands of presidents, gms, sms...all in the business. Right now with the pressure to perform (by bankers, boards, lenders) the beatings are continuing in greater force and destroying esprit de corps and whole companies. Excellent article but don't let it end with this one edition...mail it, fax it, however you get it to everyone will determine whether or not the radio business will rebound back to great days. Bad management continues to take a huge toll on everyone. Roger Dodson

Mike West

Great post Eric! I have known you for 9 years and never knew you were a jerk. :)


It is a very unique industry in that it has an enormous public responsibility and a public trust and does everything in public---but there is no budget for management training.

Eric Rhoads

Anyone else would probably pull a comment like this down, however Im not because its true. I was born into a family with a father who went from nothing to success. I was blessed with his generosity to help me fund my first business and I hope I can do the same for my kids and give me the opportunity I was given. There is no doubt in my mind that I would not have been able to buy the first radio stations (Salt Lake-Provo) without his seed capital. From that point I was able to roll on my own. Everyone needs a start and those who are blessed with some financial success, or other gifts, should use those gifts to help others. -ER

Gary Wolson

Okay, you were a jerk, and had family money to start your business.
That's two strikes buddy.

Dale Tucker


Absolutely excellent. Many of us wish we'd read this forty years ago.

Now's the perfect time for all managers to read it for the first time. Your words are right on target and do NOT exclusively apply to broadcasting.


There are so many incompetent managers out there right that I believe that management is a good place for bad managers to hide. I left a corporate job because I was working for a total jerk as a manager and got fed up with corporate politics. There are so many people out there who have had their passion for their jobs ripped out of them by bad managers that it's no wonder so many companies are in trouble.

Sean Kelly

I have employees working for me right now for half of what they made in their previous job because their boss at my competitor was such a jerk. By empowering them to be all they can be, they have created their own jobs, are accountable for the revenue required to keep them on the payroll, and write their own pay raises. Treating people right will take you a long way, especially with employees. They all had jobs before, now they have careers, and a workplace they truly enjoy. In time, they'll be paid their true worth but they're happy now, and that makes my job easier.

Angelica Balderas

Thanks for being the voice of reason in our business

Rich Marston

Hello my dear friend. First and foremost, you in fact are not a jerk. I have worked with you, for you, advised you, listened to you, and have admired you for almost 30 years now. Have you made mistakes? Yep. Have you done some extraordinary things? Yep. Are you a dear and loyal friend? Yep. Are you a dear and loyal husband and father? Yep. You and I have had the most amazing careers. For me, working with and along side you has been always a journey in faith and unflinching belief. I ahave been gifted to not only know you, but to be your friend. There is no greater gift or goal. Thanks friend you have enhanced and made my life more fruitful. I am now an alchemist thanks to your faith in me.

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