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November 15, 2010


Steve Casey

Don't feel bad, Eric. Everybody told us it wouldn't work. I was lectured that "Music and television are an unnatural marriage" during my orientation meeting my 2nd day at MTV (a meeting that Bob was not in). At the time, WASEC was all about movies. I don't think they knew what to think about us radio guys.

I've been fortunate to work for some of the most amazing people over the past 41 years. But my observation about Bob, working for him not once, but twice, is that he has the best ability I've ever seen to assemble a team, point them in the right direction, and let them create great things.

I know that this is supposedly common in the world of sports. But I haven't seen it much in business. Nobody could be better for Clear Channel than Bob. I'm expecting great things for them, and by extension for our industry.

Uncle Ricky

It's public record, but I should enter a comment regarding Bob Pittman's support of REELRADIO, Inc., going back to August, 2001.

Mr. Pittman, an industry giant, got caught up in the magic of an old aircheck remembered. I remember he wrote that he played it for his son, who had never heard his Dad on the radio.

He sent REELRADIO a significant and much-appreciated 501(c)(3) gift that keeps on giving.. REELRADIO is still online, the largest online radio archive in the world.

We will celebrate 15 years online February 12, 2011.

Eric Rhoads

We did the interview. You can read it on radioink.com

Jeff Petersen

Congratulations on your upcoming interview with Mr. Pittman.
I hope you will ask him as the new leader of Clear Channel if he will change the policies of Clear Channel, its stations and its affiliate group Premiere to allow liberal and progressive views on their programming with actual hosts who have philosophies other than the corporate far right rants now featured and whether an ethics policy will be applied to hosts at the national and local level requiring them to allow viewpoints other than their own on their shows without host interruptions, interference with audio or other tricks to harass and confuse the caller who has a dissenting viewpoint.
Also, whether he will allow a policy requiring hosts to disclose money and other gratuities they receive from political and financial interests they discuss on their shows and campaign contributions they make to politicians.

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