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July 20, 2011


Bob Stubble

iBiquity's quest for uBiquity has failed - LMFAO!!!

Sandy Orkin

In my view, the tag at the end of the spot is a way of saying a "thank you" to those who donated their time and effort to the cause....Namely, our creatives and writers, Haris Orkin, Michael LeFrevre and Lisa Orkin.

I am inclined to believe that the effectiveness of the spot and the listener's response to the spot will both remain the same with or without the tag.

Not sure how this is any different than a radio station promoting a "drive" or "cause" in the public interest with their call letters attached to it.

Sandy Orkin
Famous Radio Ranch

Eric Rhoads

Though I cannot speak for the Famous Radio Ranch youre welcome to edit out the Radio Ink if it makes you run it.

john ostlund

I like the idea, but plugging Radio Ranch and Radio Ink in the spots ruined it for me. Why does every good deed end with someone wanting a little somethin'.
Sure, the idea is in every FM's best interest, but in this case, the message would work harder if left to percolate on its own merit, instead of redirecting the brain to consider the sponsor.

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