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January 06, 2012


Jerry Smith

Many of us have similar childhood commencement experiences in broadcasting.
The sights,sounds and smells of those old radio stations coupled with their local involvement made the feelings unforgettable. People did not leave radio. Radio left people. No training,ownership and community programming standards becoming obsolete. The once live-local moved it's tent to the big city big top and the rest is history.

But I appeal to those childhood emotions. Take a subjective listening test on a used car lot somewhere in South Florida and compare the quality of a 1990s car radio to anything after 2003 and notice the difference in AM-FM quality degeneration in later years. Give credit where credit is due. Car-markers took the bait from the digital bunch and the new chipsets have made AM-FM bland. Its all because the new noise kits cut coverage contours,have built in filters to protect the on-board options that normally would wipe out the AM-FM expected contours. People don't know why. They just don't receive their former favorite stations any longer thanks to the new chips. This is the dirty aspect of modern failing technology-a major loss of contours and severe AM and FM self-induced interference.And the real bad guys are the pro-HiDef supporters who gave the blind nod to more digital radios at any cost. BTW, you can now ask almost any hands-on radio tech and they will privately tell the truth.
Happy New Year, Too!

Danny Czekalinski

My love for radio is that it offered entertainment OTHER than music. I was able to agree, disagree and learn from what was being exchanged. I fell in love with the CONTENT radio supplied. I still love the few radio stations that provide content but music stations are a dime a dozen. They are background to me. Unless I find a radio station that believes in CONTENT then many will find another medium that will supply just that. Happy New Year and the very best to all in 2012.

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