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September 18, 2012


Mark Moss

Eric....a few years ago I would've thought you were crazy. Then again, I first heard about Twitter through one of your articles. Nicely written, and I have no intention of shooting the messenger. As we learned with Hurricane Ike on the Gulf Coast, when data fails,(as it did and will) we always have good ole' broadcast to keep us informed....we hope.

Paul Rogers

I am afraid I have to repectively disagree (or maybe agree), Sirus and Pandora and MP3 files downloaded to any number of playback mediums represent the final nails in the traditional transmitter radio business model's coffin that flourished for decades. Clear Channel and The Mays Family squeezed the last big money out and walked away fat and happy as a final coup de gras of sorts ... hanging the company with an impossible debt load (thanks to Bain Capitals Private Equity arrangement with a consortium of banks - that took a court order to force the sale thru at $18-$20 Billion) - I gave radio 20 years of my life and glad I left while I was still young enough and sane enough to pursue a 2nd career. The 20 years I spent in radio were some of the best, and trying years of my life ... but after deregulation and then with the advent of the cluster concept - it became a game for big money speculators and financiers with short time horizons, always looking to sell to the "bigger fool" - many did and walked away quite wealthy leaving piles of impossible debt for the new owners to grapple with. Today's new technologies offer a multitude of how people choose to listen. These new outlets for listening (not AM or FM) and unwieldly debt, I believe are the 2 biggest challenges facing the traditional radio model today. I am still amazed at some of the good people who have survived - you Eric Rhodes are one of those people ...

Those who were really smart pursued the "vertical real estate" angle and continue to win big with cell phone carriers and others who require tower space.

Robin Solis

Yep, that's pretty much what is happening, Eric. But radio doesn't need to worry about all that data management. You can go down that path if you want or you can just turn all that data management over to SpotMedia Services, Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of SpotMagic, Inc.)for significantly less than it takes to maintain all your terrestrial properties now. Plus, radio will get new ways to make more money with creative tools. Now you can get back to doing what you do best connecting with your audience and creative content. Because those are the traits that separates real radio from the hacks.

Andrew Rosen

Excellent.... Well thought out and written. It is an exciting time to navigate through and exploit the advantages technology will bring....

Ken Dardis

Bravo! This could well be a pivotal article in the history of radio.

Next up is educating how difficult it is to grasp the complexities of "big data" management and display.

Dan McKay

Excellent article! I completely believe that to be true. Good job Radio Ink!

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