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October 19, 2014


Robin Solis

Who sided with you back than over your comment? :) Hello? I've been on top of this situation since 1994. We started a company to develop a software system to address this issue. In 1996 we were at NAB in a giant booth and radio didn't care. We went to CES in LA after a press release that the LA Times picked up called, "Pictures on the Radio" and we got coverage in Billboard. We had full page ads in Wired. We tried to get funding from everyone in the radio industry and no body cared. We were too early of course but we kept on plugging away. Bootstrapping the company and developing the technology. We had to go to other areas as no one in radio would listen to us. We didn't have the money to do much after a while and did TV Synced to Thousands of users at one time for Sony's Game Show Network but then 911 happened. We kept going though. Calling and fundraising until 2008 when the economy took a nose dive and also intersected with the rise in the OTT services that the Broadcast industry took a hit to their revenue to the tune of a 1/3 drop. Only then would anyone in radio even speak to us. They were ready to speak to anyone who has answers. We haven't drifted from our original goal to transition Radio (and TV) to the new digital future. Today, I am older, fatter and a bit tired but and I can proudly say that we are on track to help the radio industry with smart technology and financial solutions that are light years beyond a handful of apps. You were right back then and I applaud you for hanging tough because that is what it's going to take for this long haul process. Believe in radio. I do.

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