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November 19, 2015


Paul Rogers

Overpay for a broadcast property .. hang lots of debt on the business .. then hire whoever you can convince to sell radio spots to sell enough ads to bail out the owners greed/ego who paid too much to begin with. Clear Channel would be just one example. Go to court and force the banks to pay $21 Billion for a Pig In A Poke so MittRomney and his VC Pals can live happily ever after. Impossible business model based on bad math .. greed .. and a dynamic market changes .. what was once values at $26.7 Billion on the back of a napkin and then sold to a group of investors is worth 1/10th of what it sold for in 2008. Just to put things into perspective, Rush Limbaugh's Net Worth is $350 Million or more than 10x the Entire Market cap of what Used to Be Clear Channel.. now known as I-Heart-Burn Radio.

Dennis Heinz

My Lord, 20 years later this is still a topic? I would have thought the industry would have figured it out by now. This articles' subject matter gets written about every couple years. Not a good reflection on an industry. Glad I am out. Radio is a bean counting industry period. "Just Get all the Money" an AE is told. No regard for the AE or the client. A GM that invests quality time (90 days)with new AE's will reap the benefits 10 fold. That just does not happen anymore. I know I did it and had a great stable of sellers.

Panama Jack

"Over ten years" hah! What's the lifespan of the average salesperson in today's Radio disaster. Ten months? A year? (That might be pushing it).

What's needed is to actually train salespeople to sell saturation schedules with enough frequency to trigger top of mind awareness that results in measurably higher sales. Don't let the advertiser water it down either. If they want results over a short timespan, sell them the super soaker.

How many sales managers out there offer a package that super saturates with a very high frequency? I'm not talking about a remote either.

Mel T

So we are guilty are "selling schedules that could not possibly work", eh, Eric?
What does such a schedule look like? 2 spots a week? 4 spots a week? You really don't know, do you? Nor does anyone else. There are plenty of ads that ran only ONCE and achieved the desired results. Advertising on radio is something you don't understand. Stick to rubbing elbows with the Dickeys, Eric. It's something you are good at.

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